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IT / Security consultant
MSc Computer Science, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Steps and Skills
- Contributions to OWASP Core Rule Set, ModSecurity, mod_auth_openidc, Queue-it KnownUser Lua SDK
- Contributions to Apache / ModSecurity tutorials
- Expert in ModSecurity, Apache Reverse Proxies, Security, and Linux OS
- Experience in Bash, Python, Ruby, Java
- Experience in systems administration
- Languages: German, English, and French
- Member of netnea since 2018
Selected Projects:
- Maintenance and further development of reverse proxy platforms consisting of hundreds of reverse proxy services with web application firewall, authentication, quality of service components, including deployment, logging, and monitoring
- Consulting on and engineering of various reverse proxy platforms
- Engineering of containerized reverse proxy containers
- Engineering of automated container builds
- Engineering of cloud workloads on OpenShift and AWS EKS
- Integration of session queueing technology into existing reverse proxy setups
Hobbies and Interests: