Thousands separators for numbers in Python < 2.6
Python 2.7 and later have format(), but in Python 2.6 and lower, if you want to format big numbers with thousands separators, you are on your own. This code seem to work nicely and is tolerant.
Python 2.7 and later have format(), but in Python 2.6 and lower, if you want to format big numbers with thousands separators, you are on your own. This code seem to work nicely and is tolerant.
In, Cisco says: Service policy is a policymap that is being attached to a logical interface. Because a policymap can also be a part of the hierarchical structure (inside a classmap), only a policymap that is directly attached to a logical interface is considered a service policy. Each service policy is uniquely identified by […]
LogMatrix has recently released NerveCenter version 6.0.03. See the release notes at We’re running NerveCenter 6.0 for large-scale SNMP polling of routers, switches, and other SNMP-capable network and server equipment. NC6.0 comes with massive performance improvements over NC4.x, and also the stability of the application has been improved.
A new minor release of Netdisco has been released, it fixes an issue with SSID handling in the database (table node_wireless). Get it at
In a network environment, Cisco devices can be configured to send their syslog messages to a central syslog server. Ubuntu (10.04 LTS) has rsyslog as default syslog package, and I had some trouble creating a working config due to a nasty bug in rsyslog. Here is a cookbook to go around it :