Charles Bueche

Nextcloud scanning

Having installed the latest Netxcloud on my server, I added ModSecurity and CRS 3 on the Apache instance. After some tuning and the configuration of geoIP with the help of our very own Christian Folini, I watched the logs fly by during a few hours and noticed accessing my /status.php. By going to this /status.php […]

A Zenoss zenpack to monitor Fortinet FortiGate firewalls

This is a Zenpack for Fortinet FortiGate firewalls. The Fortigate MIB is very well-designed and allowed for a comprehensive Zenpack implementation using zenpacklib. Features: serial number and firmware version interface traffic CPU load memory load disk usage session count IPS statistics Sensors (voltage, temperature, fans, PSU) Vdoms Per Vdom : interface traffic CPU load memory […]

get device status within a zenoss event transform

Event transformation is a cool feature of Zenoss, but care must be taken to avoid slowing down Zenoss too much, as badly performing event transformations applied to a large number of events might slow down Zenoss. Besides, any exception within an event transformation ends up in $ZENHOME/log/zeneventd.log, so your code needs extra care to avoid […]

Efficient component look-up in Zenoss

… or how to find an interface object from d.os.interfaces() or without a loop. The problem: in Zenoss transforms, I often need to do a check on an attribute of a component, e.g.‘stuff’, interface.description). The problem is, the event component does not contain the “interface” object. Instead, it contains the interface.getInterfaceName() string. The […]

Storage systems for large NMS

In a project or upgrading Zenoss for a large customer, I have had numerous issues regarding i/o performance. This was certainly expected, but not to that level. Some numbers to explain the situation: the NMS monitors about 1’900 devices Includes about 700+ routers and 1000+ switches Some switches are stacked On routers, we collect 8 […]